Faith, Football and Humanity; An Enyimba Perspective

Good morning People of the Elephant.

As a blogger, some mornings are a grind. It can take 7 or 8 drafts to get the day’s write-up just right. There are some other days when the theme and thought to be conveyed is all ready and thus the ink flows effortlessly. Most likely, a Match preview or match story or like on what I am writing about today. And this, today’s thoughts touch the very fabrics of my being.

Nigerians, generally are known for their faith- we are mostly Christians and Muslims and some are Traditional Worshippers. We have National Religious holidays all through the year and religious rites and oblations are very common with us. In fact, it is rare to find a Nigerian who doesn’t believe in anything.

All these notwithstanding, we also have the reputation of being some of the most wicked humans on earth. Just a little stroll on social media, you will see enough information in this regard. From the domestic/home front, to the academic and even to the civil service platforms,

Why do we look to God for help and blessings yet we cannot treat our fellow humans with kindness, love and respect? Why would a lecturer insist on sleeping with a student before they give them what they deserve academically? Why does the lady at the local government office insist that you must pay them before they do their jobs?

We have come to almost expect these things because of how interwoven into our culture they have become. But this is wrong. One would argue that this is not unique to Nigeria and Nigerians but does that make it okay? Shouldn’t we do to others as we would expect others to do to us?

Recently, I heard that after the Al Masry draw, the Enyimba management, in addition to the payments owed the players now threatened with “Make I see players wey go come ask for money again“. My question is, as ex professionals, were you treated such? Did the clubs you play for deny you your salaries because you couldn’t turn a draw to a win?

I read these things and I shudder at such inhumane tactics that people employ to deny your playing staff what they deserve. Even the best teams struggle at times. No football team wins every game. So why have you let this little position as club management turn you into a dictator?

Nigerians easily point to the leadership of our country as responsible for the evils and corruption in the country, but it is still the same spirit of cruelty that has possessed everyone down the food chain. In this time where alot of families are struggling, you have a team of robots whose source of livelihood you are threatening because they failed to win a football game. Shame on you.

Every new day, you are adding to the bricks of your legacy. The whole world can see what your thinking and actions are beyond the facade you put up daily. And one day you will be gone, gone very far away from our club. You and your stooges. Time, thats all it will take.

Back tomorrow


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